Called to Serve
Utah Salt Lake City Temple Square
This Is The Place
January 2012 to June 2013

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Thursday, May 23, 2013

                   Happy birthday Elder "Bug's" Reynders

Thursday, May 16, 2013

I got a Sunburn!

                Mitt at "Music and the Spoken Word"
Yeah its SUMMER! Finally! I don't know what took so long!
It was so good to see you Mother and Father! You are the best! I was a little sad to see you go, but once you were gone I got right back to work. Things are moving along. We are teaching Sarahi from Honduras. She is great! She has a sincere desire to change her life and improve her family relationships! We are also teaching Isaac from CA. He is a YSA and wants to keep free from temptations. We can help him with that!
This week M. Russell Ballard came to speak to our mission. I feel a kinship with that Apostle and I think we could be friends!  Something that touched me while listening to him is that he spoke of the pre earth life and other aspects of the Plan of Salvation with such a surety that it is real.  Another thing that stood out to me was his attitude of, "Do you best to follow the spirit and then stop stressing. Relax!" This is not the first time I have been taught this principle by an Apostle in an informal/casual setting. I remember Elder Neil L. Andersen mentioned the same thing when he came to Nauvoo at Pres. Ludwig's house.  Relaxing is easier said than done.
Sis Ordonez is great and we get along great! I am so grateful to end my mission with a hard working companion, and one that loves me....I gotta feel loved.
Today I was able to bear testimony of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon to George. He's a less active we are working with in Salt Lake. We meet him on the Square to teach him. It's something I bear testimony of often, but today was special. I am grateful to have grown up in a home that loved the history of the Church. I testified that at a young age I knew that the life of Joseph Smith was important and that as I have grown I have been able to receive strength from the Book of Mormon. I testify to any person that is reading this, that there is an actual power that comes from the Book of Mormon. If one reads it intending and believing that they can receive power from on high they will. They Book of Mormon has the power to provide you safety and peace during your sojourn on this planet.
Hurrah For Israel!
Cheerfully do, then stand still
Sister Reynders

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Monotony, Motherhood, and Miracles

             My new companion from Honduras - Sister Ordonez
Well, it's been a fast week! We have had some great experiences this week. It is so nice to have a normal missionary schedule (as normal as it gets for temple square)! I have on average 3 hours a day to be in the teaching center....and 7 hours on average on the Square.
There have been times when I felt as Margret Judd did as a 17-year-old who crossed the plains with her family. "Oh, the monotony of camp life! How delighted we all were when we started on our journey for good," she lamented. One of the greatest battles I have struggled with is doing the same thing every day on these 35 acres.  But I have found joy as I have been able to focus in on the ONE. By sincerely listening to every soul I have found that I can escape the hum drum of never seeing nature or being in a members home, or just out and about in the outside world.
Although I am not a mother yet M. Russell Ballard gave this counsel to mothers, "There are moments of great joy and incredible fulfillment, but there are also moments of a sense of inadequacy, MONOTONY, and frustration. Mothers may feel they receive little or no appreciation for the choice they have made...... I hope all of you dear sisters, married or single, never wonder if you have worth in the sight of the Lord and to the leaders of the Church. We love you. We respect you and appreciate your influence in preserving the family and assisting with the growth and the spiritual vitality of the Church." The Lord is preparing me, and I know that I am of worth in the sight of the Lord.  I hope all you mothers feel and know that as well!
Yesterday we had a miracle. We were at the map desk and there was a lady just looking at the map of Jerusalem so I contacted her with the old, "Have you ever been there before?" approach. She said she hadn't.  We ended up finding out she had gone to the Church office building on the 26th floor and some church host had given her and her husband the whole spiel. She asked me if there was a way she could buy one of our Books of Mormon. I of course gladly gave her and her husband a copy. She kept talking about the special feeling she has felt in Salt Lake City. I explained to her that that feeling is the Holy Ghost and the reason it is so prevalent here is because there are some many people here that have truly committed themselves to the Savior Jesus Christ, and how as members of the Church we take the promises we make at baptism seriously. We invited her to look for that same feeling as she reads the Book of Mormon. Missionaries will be visiting her after she returns home and we will be calling her this week. She wanted to see "The Testaments" so we sent her off knowing we would never see her again but satisfied that we had shared our testimonies.
These kind miracles happen every day.  That is what keeps me motivated to open my mouth and help the ONE. Monotony is a small price to pay.

Thanks Mom for being the best Mom I have ever had! You have always made me feel important...I need that! Thanks for listening to me sing to you all that time...and being my fan:) I am so excited to see you and Dad this week! It will be great! Come with Questions!
Hurrah For Israel!
-Sister Reynders

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Planetarium

                                                         My MTC Group.
                             Sister Elliot, Sister Kyle, Sister Beller, and me.

Training Again

Well, we found out on Sunday night who our new companions were.  I get so worked up every time over these transfer conferences.  I had been praying to train again. I knew it was the thing that would push me the hardest.  I found out I am in the South 2 Zone which means I will spend my whole life on the Square.  It's actually very unique for a Sister to never have served in a venue (Beehive House, Welfare Square, Museum etc...) her whole mission. I have had square time and square time only. I am happy because since being Zone leader I haven't been able to be there as much.

I am so pleased that I will be training again! Her name is Sister Ordonez and she is from Honduras! She is beautiful and so sweet. I love her. She, like Sister SaGari (my first trainee) doesn't speak English. Must be my lot in life...haha...I can barely speak the English language myself. The hitch with having me train is that I get so attached and emotionally involved.  I sometimes make things so complicated.......Satan is the master of complexity, Jesus is the master of simplicity.

We really need to focus on getting progressing investigators.  Only on T2 do most your baptisms happen without you even seeing the "progressing" key indicator.  It skips from new investigator to baptized...haha

Well, I don't have much to say except, I know blessings are predicated on our faithful prayers.

I am still on no sweets...although I had chocolate milk...which I don't encourage. I am glad you are all doing well! Feel free to send me some letters snail mail!

Hurrah For Israel!
_Sister Reynders