Called to Serve
Utah Salt Lake City Temple Square
This Is The Place
January 2012 to June 2013

Saturday, April 27, 2013


I think the words I would use to describe this week would be sweet, desirable, gratifying, and satisfying. It's been a great week where the spirit has be unrestrained.
During conference we met the a family from Washington with 7 kids - a perfect little family. They asked us if we wouldn't  give a call to their adopted Grandparents so I gave a call to Millie and Ben and we immediately hit it off.  We talked about  many subjects centered around Jesus Christ. Missionary work, receiving revelation, the book of Mormon, doing good right where you are at, so on and so on. Anyway, it was a sweet time we spent together and as we knelt and had a prayer (via phone) the spirit touched each of our hearts. Millie will be meeting with missionaries this next week. I feel bad that I haven't shared more of my experiences on Temple Square. My experience with Millie is just a taste of the kind of experiences we have daily. Just sweet.  I call them "solid seeds".

"And because of your diligence and your faith and your patience with the word in nourishing it, that it may take root in you, behold, by and by ye shall pluck the fruit thereof, which is most precious, which is sweet above all that is sweet. " Alma 32:42
Well transfers are coming up. If I could choose what would be best for me in my last transfer it would be training. I would love to train. But alas, I want what the Lord wants me to do and whatever it is, it will be good.
I can't remember the names of the general authorities that are head of the Missionary efforts, but they asked the Temple Square Sisters to do the performance we did last transfer again. The surrounding missions will be bringing their investigators. It's a bitter sweet experience....I was so happy/relieved when it was finished last transfer....but here we go again.....It will be good....and I am sure it's something I will never forget and many people will be blessed.
We did an emergency Zone meeting this week and talked about the importance of a positive attitude. Having 140 sisters in such close proximity can prove to be pretty complicated at times. We felt the mission was sliding into a slump, but then again, Satan does work his hardest just before things are going to get good...and guess what? I believe this summer will be a summer that has never before been seen on Temple Square. Anyways, the sisters need to pull out of the dull drums and focus on the blessings in their lives. The Lord wants each of the to find joy in the journey.
Anyways, I know you don't want a sermon so I will conclude.
Things are going well. Roller skating was fun last week. This week we are going to the planetarium(we are trying to get out and do stuff before there no time left).
I love my companion and am so grateful for her. I love my Savior. He is my best friend. I am his number one girl.
-Hurrah For Israel
Sister Reynders

Monday, April 22, 2013

Gen. Conference 2013

I really enjoyed all the fam's letters this week, thanks!
So first off I can tell you this conference was my favorite! I slowed down and observed and served. We got a new investigator during conference which was huge. But if I could have your prayers that would be great because.....the REFERRAL CARD I WROTE HIS NUMBER ON HAS GONE MISSING! I FEEL SICK ABOUT IT!!!!!
It just seemed that at this conference there was a lot of love. I was off the Square more because we had to cover west gate as zone leaders....but it was so good! The spirit was great! I can't wait to really hear conference.  I could do it as personal study....but wait, I am on Temple Square and we don't get personal study most of the time - we are on the run all day every day.  That probably sounds shocking to other missionaries but hey...the Lords trusts us to get out there and open our mouths even without studying.
So Jeremy Jacobs got baptized on Saturday in Liberty Lake! He was the last lesson I had before I left Spokane! I wish so badly I could have been there!

This morning a small group of us Sisters went to the Mission President's seminar in the Joseph Smith Memorial building and did the musical number. So fun!

I honestly can't think what to tell you. I was so grateful for the letters this week. I love you!

-Hurrah For Israel

_Sister Reynders

Friday, April 5, 2013

Hanging out with General Authorities

Hello! I hope you had an EGGSciting Easter! You are lucky because you are in Clovis where the weather is EGGStremely beautiful! This week once again was EGGShausting! Been doing lots of EGGStention of commitments and being EGGSactly  obedient.  OK...this is getting lame...........I just thought since it was Easter...ya know...I'd jazz things up!

So no big deal but yesterday I just was hanging out with L. Tom Perry and Richard G. Scott.  Elder Perry looked me right in the eyes and said, ........ "Have a great lunch."  And Elder Scott came up to me and shook my hand and asked me my name and where I was from.  I was so in shock I didn't even stand up! I feel so terrible. An Apostle was talking to me and I just sat there on the couch! At conference time the general authorities always use our mission offices for meetings. Can I tell you something? Keep updated on your conference talks because you never know who you might run into. For example, I was in the kitchen eating lunch and Don R. Clark of the Seventy walks in and I said, "Didn't you speak in last General Conference?" and he said "yes." Then I replied, "The Sacrament, right? (I did a snappy gun point thing)...and he said, "Yes, very good." Then Sister Kyle leans over to me and says...."remind me to never to take a class with you.....suck up!" hahah We  laughed because the whole conversation was just ridiculous..........

So I am not sure what to write to you about a fun fact.  Did you know that because of the weight on the roof of the  conference Center that the Tower that has the big water fall coming down it is made out of Styrofoam? 

Oh,  I never told you that we went to the movie set in Goshen Utah where they filmed the new Bible Videos.  Good thing Pres. Gillette has connections with anyone of importance in the state of Utah. It was a very special/sacred experience especially the garden of Gethsemane and the Crucifixion site. 

There are so many misconceptions about Temple Square missionaries. One question that I get all the time is, " do you TEACH in the temple Square mission?" Hrrmmph...YES!!!  hahah Don't worry I don't make them feel bad for asking...but...really?  One person asked me this week, "So is it true that the Temple Square Sisters have breaks to fix their make up?" comment.

This week I have really enjoyed having a Spanish speaking companion. I really don't feel like a 3rd wheel in the lessons because we are very unified in the teaching. We have a new progressing investigator this week. He is from Spain. He actually has been on date in the past but had a horrific experience at church so that kind of messed things up for a while. Anyways, he speaks a little English so that's good, so I can help more. I do a lot of praying for my companion and writing suggestions on sticky notes that she can use or getting scriptures she could use. Sister Abellan is up there on the top of the list of best companions:) At the end of the last lesson Antonio was excited to read the Book of Mormon and receive strength to overcome temptations. happiness:)

Conference is tomorrow. We have a VIP tour in the middle of it with the Young Mens General Presidency and the Nation President of the Boy Scouts of America. We also have to get the venues covered so the Sisters can be contacting as much as possible.

I am so happy:) Life is Good! I hope all is going well on the home front! Thanks Kate, Mom and Dad for writing me. I always feel letters come at the most opportune times. Thanks for the talk on the atonement Mom.  I hope the Seminary kids enjoyed my Conference Video. Woot!

-Hurrah For Israel!
-Sister Reynders