Called to Serve
Utah Salt Lake City Temple Square
This Is The Place
January 2012 to June 2013

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Happy Christmas!

Congratulation to Scotty for making covenants! Now our family is complete. I am so happy for you Buggsy Boy! I got your packages mother. Thank you! This is going to be the best Christmas ever!  We have had a great Christmas season so far and a great week.  We have enjoyed our new ward! We love it!

So last week we went to the Flamingo Trailer Park to visit a less active member but he didn't end up being there. We contacted the manager and then started talking to one of the residents there. His grandparents recently  died and we talked about how important it is to live each day to the fullest and that this time is the time we have to prepare to meet God. We discussed the current state of his Grandparents and explained to him more about the plan of Salvation. It is so great to share this message, especially at a time when people's hearts are softened by the season. While talking with this man a another lady came up and we found out she is a less active member who wants to start coming back to church. Later that week we tracted the whole trailer park and it was a gold mine! We found 3 more investigators and a few others that want to go to church. We are just going to bring a van in and have everyone hop in!!  Anyway, it's great to feel the spirit and help people.

One of the great things about being outbound is that we get to actually go out and physically serve people like  racking leaves,  helping people move, hanging picture frames for a lady who can't walk, or serving at an assisted living center. It's just grand!

This last week a former investigator of ours invited us to go caroling with her family! It was the best caroling experience ever! They had a trailer attached to the back of an SUV that had a karaoke screen and microphones. The whole neighborhood came and we went down the streets while the kids ran up to the doors and rang door bells. We all rode in the back! So fun!

Alright, the Elders are playing volleyball and I really want to play so until next time, have a great week! Love you all!

Hurrah for Israel!

Sister Reynders

Monday, December 3, 2012

Beautiful Spokane


                                                             Winter wonderland!

Line upon Line

Hello Family and Friends!

This week has been a good/crazy one. It's always crazy out here - never a dull moment! We are getting adjusted to our new ward. We feel a little bad that we have to split our time so much between wards. I remember growing up that I never really knew the missionaries very well that had to cover more than our ward.  But hey, we get to attend a  lot of Christmas parties! haha so fun! And the members are so good about bringing friends to these events!.....awww...I wish I was blessed with the  gift of remembering names. I am horrible at it!  Anyway, going to the Greenacres Christmas party really helped us get to know the ward

This week we have felt like we should offer reading classes because in some areas of town there are a lot of people who can't read. It proved to be successful, not that they wanted reading classes but it got us in to be able to share more about our beliefs. It's kind of crazy how safe I feel out here as well. The people respect us... I don't know, why but they do!

It is incredible how slowly I learn. But I Studied this morning about Jesus and I read in Luke 2:52,
"And Jesus increased in wisdom & stature, & in favor with God and man"--(also check out d&C 93:12-14)  There is not much written about Jesus' childhood, but the concept that Christ was not endowed with a fullness of knowledge from the cradle really hit me. He Studied! Jesus was a close observer of nature and man. He was able to draw illustrations from all sorts of trades and professions. He knew the habits of the poor and the customs of the rich. He considered the lilies of the fields and the foxes in their holes. He went from grace to grace. (I am preaching to myself here..hah)  I  realized that I am not going to understand everything at once but line upon line, precept upon precept!

I love my Savior Jesus Christ! He has done so much for me and you! Please share this message, especially in this season when people hearts are a little bit softer!

Have a great week! Cheerfully do, then stand still!

-Sister Reynders