Called to Serve
Utah Salt Lake City Temple Square
This Is The Place
January 2012 to June 2013

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fanny Packs & Khaki Pants

Hello Fam:)

So I was running the canyon the other day just enjoying the nature around me and feeling strong as I ran with my pack of Sisters. Some of the Sisters are slower than others so we have to loop. Well, I passed this old man on my way down and when I come back up to loop we made eye contact and this familiar voice says, "Good Morning".....Yeah it was Elder Dallin H. Oaks!

Some of you may be wondering about my "Sister missionary" voice (Aunt Jana) and some of you have asked. Well, I am proud to tell you that NO I have not developed the Sister missionary voice (AKA -  finishing STATEMENTS with an upward tone as if it's a QUESTION) and this brings me to my next point.  Recently I have decided that there really is NO switching in and out of "missionary" mode. There is NONE. I am the same when my tag is off as when it's on. So  there is NO missionary voice.  I just talk to people like I would any other day, my primary focus being that we both came closer to Christ after we are done:)

It's summer! Yeah! Lots and lots of tourist. The people primarily coming on these huge bus tours are older and they don't care whether their socks are olive or forest green or if they match. Maybe I am going crazy  but I am digging fanny packs, khaki pants, and those hiking sandals....I cannot WAIT to rock this apparel when I get home....I like it...and its seems practical and comfortable.  I just really like elderly people.  You guys have always made fun of me for having "old people friends" but that's because they are great.

The other day we took a bus tour to the "Presidents Room" in the Lion house to eat. It is a room with all the prophet's portraits on the wall.  One of the tourists asked if we could name them all.  Sister Kayberry and I looked at each other smiling and said, "Actually we can and we are going to sing them to you! Latter day prophets are number one, Joseph Smith, then Brigham Young.....".  They loved it!  They love us and we love them and it is always sad to say good bye when they leave.

Yesterday I had a guy come up to me so confused because he thought Temple Square was a restaurant...haha NOPE!  And sadly I had to tell him good luck finding one that's open on Sunday! Poor tourist that want to eat on Sunday when nothings open!

GUESS WHAT!? Nick from Saskatchewan Canada that we've been teaching since February, got baptized yesterday! WOOT! Happiness! And Hugh from England is getting baptized on FRIDAY! YEAH!

This last week we had a  mission FHE and we got to go to Pres. Seppi's House and play volleyball. Then we had a little devotional with Bro.&  Sis Christiansen, who talked about their family and about all their kids who had muscular dystrophy  -  2 have died. It was all about trusting in the Lord, which was very timely for me. I needed that. The Lord is my best friend. He is seriously how I get through every day. Without him I would not have the self confidence that I need. Because we can't teach doctrine on these bus tours I have realized how important it is to let the light of Christ shine through our countenance. So I have been working on sanctifying myself.

It was fun seeing Paige and Robert and the kids.  Aunt Janna, and Martha, Thanks for the Updates! I loved your letters!

Life is Good! Hurrah for Israel! Cheerfully do, then stand still.

Sister Reynders

                               Sister Kayberry and Sister Reynders
                                                 Command Central

Monday, June 11, 2012

New Assingment

 Sister Turner from Canada when I was working as "Spoken Word" coordinator.
My new companion from Australia, Sister Kayberry.  Co-coordinators for Hospitality Bus Tours.

A day in the park

All da' whistles Go Woot

Well Hello There! It's been quite some time eh?! Well, I am alive and doing well, but it has been 11 days since my last Pday.....too long!

Yes, transfers happened. But before I get to that, two Thursdays ago our zone had and activity at the park where we just played! It was so fun and relaxing and I will send some pictures.

So coming up on this transfer I was not even thinking about it or worried about it because for some reason I thought for sure I would be staying with Sister Galuvao. But transfers came and they did them  a day early which threw us all for a loop!  Boy, emotions were  running high on the Square...tooo many Sisters freaking out at once!  But hey, this happens far too often here, (more than I'd like to admit). Anyways, Sister Galuvao is now training and I am the Hospitality Bus Tour Co-coordinator with Sister Kaberry from Australia! She is from Melbourne - not very close to Annie:)

This week has been ridiculously out of control...summer has hit! Changes were made, schedules weren't finished but the square had to be covered so it was just crazy. Plus, we are working in the office not stop trying to organize this new Hospitality Bus tour stuff.  My poor phone investigators aren't getting enough attention because the Square assignments takes priority.  On top of this I had to move for my first time since being here at Temple Square.  I just moved apartments but still there isn't any time at all to do "moving"!  I've been living in a cave of suite cases, DI clothes, left over trash from the Sisters before, and dirty dishes for the past 11 days. Hopefully I can spend my pday cleaning so this next week I can at least come home to something decent. 

OK, so what is a "Hospitality Bus Tour" anyways? These are tour buses that President found out come though Salt Lake City and stop to eat and then leave..never setting foot onto Temple Square. So with the help of Elder and Sis Moore (a senior couple), it is our job to convince these tour guides to have their meals here at the square (Lion house, Lion Pantry, The Roof, or The Garden) and then let us take their group on a tour of T2. Are we allowed to proselyte? No. It is strictly a history tour, but as I have just been doing this for a week it's amazing the miracles I have seen. You share the history and THEY ask the questions! Works like a Charm! These people are getting a good introduction about the church and then when they have missionaries come knocking on their door, they are so prepared.

But wow it's a tricky business and system, and it takes most of our time. We prepared a 2 hour training meeting that happened on Saturday for the 10 Sisters on our committee. There's a lot that goes into these tours, as we are with them for sometime up to 3 hours, feeding them, and catering to their every need. The key is making the tour guide happy so they will bring their tours back here again. I have been so busy that I have barely been on the Square. I was able to attend the  baptism last Saturday of Donald.  Donald is from Murray and we took him around temple square. 

GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!???? ELDER HOLLAND SHOOK MY HAND AND LOOKED STRAIGHT INTO MY EYES AND SAID "I LOVE YOU"....It was piercing........I almost broke into tears.........I had been fasting to feel God's love for me personally but I wasn't expecting for Heavenly Father to answer me quite so boldly. I know that Elder Holland is an apostle of the Lord and a special witness of Christ. And I know God Loves me.   Elder Holland came to speak with us the morning of  our  Mission Conference...WOWOWOWOWOWO Powerful! That's all I am going to say. He said, and  I quote, "This is going to be the best summer Temple Square has seen"....oh yeah! He said a plethora of brilliant things that are written safely down in my journal but I am not going to write them to you cuz I don't feel like it.

Well the Church is true, life is good and Keep the letters coming:) Hurrah For Israel!
Love you,

Sister Reynders.

Ps Sis Iberra is alive and well and we are kindred spirits:)