Called to Serve
Utah Salt Lake City Temple Square
This Is The Place
January 2012 to June 2013

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Being Green

Hey Buckaroos,

This week we had Zone Conference and the portion that Sis. Abellan and I trained on was Inviting and Re-inviting. We had stations set up around the Square and each districts moved from station to station where they were trained on a different part of the "contacting Model". It went well and the Spirit was there.

We have 5 new investigators! My companion and I have been focusing on making the people we meet on the Square new investigators right then and there because we need more progressing investigators, and the Lord obviously supported us in our righteous desire! It's funny because this week on two different occasions we had lessons on the Square where we both were thinking, "This person could care less about the church" and when we invited to learn more through local missionaries they said yes! Good thing Sister Abellan was covering my face one of the times because my jaw literally dropped and the thought in my head was "you got to be kidding me!" We  really don't know who is prepared and who is the "elect"...but God does so keep doing your part friends and keep inviting. One of the most common misconceptions about a "successful missionary" is that if there is baptisms then you are successful, but the success is in the invite. Along with the idea of not knowing who is prepared, we also don't know who needs love.

 Last night after our investigator lesson got cancelled, this member (a rather demanding one) came up to us and said, "I need a Book of Mormon now!"  I asked if she was a member and she replied she was but that she wanted to give it to this lady she met on her way to Temple Square.  So I asked if we could go with her to deliver the Book of Mormon. She took us to this lady who says she is dying from cancer, she has nothing, her husband just left her, she's lost over 100 lbs in 6 weeks, and all she's ever wanted to do is see this Temple. She's not a member. Anyways, the member asks her if she wants a blessing. I then call Pres. Skanky and he comes up to the Square and we give her a blessing. She is supposed to catch a flight at 9:50 and its 8:45. So Pres. Skanky says he'll drive her but he doesn't feel comfortable with her alone so Sis. Abellan and I go with him.  I was trying really hard to be sympathetic (something I struggle at)  because I know Christ would I tried.  The whole time I was just so skeptical of her whole story, and felt she was just trying to get money. But my mind came back to the experiences we had with inviting and not knowing who is prepared. I don't know if she was telling the truth or not......but it really doesn't matter.  My job as a follower of Christ is to serve all. We don't pick and choose who to serve. We serve everyone. 

Well, I am happy....too happy! I have a's called the "greenie theory". God never lets you get too comfortable.  He's always switching things up so that we have that "greenie" experience over and over. I have felt like a greenie in so many phases of my life....high school, college, Rs pres, secretary, Nauvoo, missionary. Whatever it may be....He likes keeping us green!

I am glad I am scheduled to work right after I get home. I don't know what I would do in Fresno anyways....go to the temple? Work at the Bishop storehouse? Run? Sing at funerals (that's what I always end up doing when I come home)?

 Do good. I am truly grateful for good friends and Family. 

-Hurrah For Israel
-Sister Reynders

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Anxiously Engaged

So it is time for transfer again - they go so quick it’s ridiculous!  I am now companions with Sister Abellan. She is from Spain and she is beautiful and so fun! I love her! She’s from my MTC class. I keep getting lucky.  I stayed a Zone leader in West  1. They split the West zone into 2 zones so we have 2 zones that cover those venues now. (Humanitarian, Welfare, Guest services, and West gate.) This week has been crazy getting training done for all the venues.  We've finished the Humanitarian/ Welfare training and we still need to do West gate and Guest services.  I still don't know why they have us as zone leaders of these zones since we haven't served in these venues.  Basically we do the organization and the spiritual training and then we have help from Sisters that have served in the venues to train on the logistics.

This week also has been crazy because Sister Elliott and I were assigned to make the conference pump up video that was actually played this morning.  It took a lot of hard work and time but it turned out well. I will be sending it home so you can enjoy it. Maybe you can put it on the blog so others can enjoy. You will love it and it will help you understand a little more about Temple Square.

I love time on the Square and I miss it.  I feel I am kept in the dungeons of Temple Square...haha...aka the basement...but that’s OK,  it's just serving the Lord in a different capacity. But every time I can get onto the Square I love it! I wish every missionary could have a day on Temple Square. Actually, I wish every member could have a day of missionary work on Temple Square. You answer questions about the church all day long and you are working with people who actually want to talk to you. You teach the restoration a billion times a day. For example yesterday I was at the Map desk and we were able to share the whole first lesson, it was great. I realize that what happens on Temple Square is divine and unique and I feel blessed to be a part of it.

I hope all is going well on the home front. Don't worry, be happy....woo..hoo.hoo hoo...  :) Do some good but more importantly BE ANXIOUSLY ENGAGED!  It is the “anxious” part that is so easy to forget.  To be honest that’s why I came on a mission. It’s true.  I noticed "anxiously" was definitely not how I would have described the way I lived the gospel!  I am trying to stay anxiously engaged and I hope I can stay that way for the rest of my life.

Hurrah for Israel!
The time is far spent!
-Sister Reynders

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Amazing Grace

Wow, what a week!  I'm usually not too much of a stresser, but I think you are right Mom, I think that it's the stress that is causing a lot of these stomach aches!
What a great time to be on Temple Square! We had the concert last night and honestly Sister Elliott and I were just so excited for it all to be over! We had a dress rehearsal in the morning and  I was playing the guitar for the Australian number and I just got so nervous I couldn't even  move my fingers! I was worried about the performance, but as I was preparing to head over that night I kind of had a special "pondering moment."  When I reflected on all the performances I have done in my 22 years, OVER AND OVER AND OVER I have been  taken care of by Heavenly Father.  I have had countless experiences of not feeling prepared to perform and EVERY single time Heavenly Father has blessed me and made it work.  There is no doubt in my mind that I have had help from heaven because I simply have not known the dance move, or guitar chord, or lyrics and HE HAS ALWAYS COME THROUGH! EVERY TIME! I know I keep repeating myself, but it was a huge moment for me. I love Heavenly Father and I know he loves me.....(standard little kid testimony)....What a simple phrase but it's taken some time to truly internalize it.
So all in all the whole concert was great! I loved singing "Amazing Grace" and I felt the spirit while doing so. Even though this was a community performance I felt like a missionary because I was singing about the amazing grace of our Savior. I could do that every day if they let me.....honestly I think the investigators and I would both benefit more if I sang it rather than use my not so eloquent words. Afterwards we got to stay out late and contact the guests. People really felt the spirit and were crying and it was just a big spiritual party and it was great seeing these people feel the spirit!
Tamara from Seattle WA got baptized! And I heard from my out bound companions that two of our investigators Lucy and Sidney are getting baptized on the 30th of March.  That was the date we set for them right before I left. I am so happy for them! They are the cutest girls! Oh also I am not sure if I told you Nick, from Spokane, got baptized also.  I have a ton of pictures I need to send but I just haven't gotten around to it! They will come - be patient.  I sure love all my family and all my friends that are so nice to me all the time! Thanks for caring about me and being my pals!
-Hurrah For Israel!
Sister Reynders

Temple Square Sister Missionary Concert

We had the opportunity to share in the "Sound of Music" with the missionary sisters on Temple Square. The program was fantastic with a variety of singing, instruments, and fun! We were so proud of Sister Janet Reynders! Her Amazing Grace duet was especially touching. What a wonderful evening! 

—  Sally and Adam Reynders

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Things are busy

Well Hello Family and Friends!

Another great week on Temple Square! The weather is getting warmer so this brings happiness to my soul! Although the picture I am attaching will show you otherwise.

 Well, I am not sure exactly what to tell you. Things are busy. We Have been very blessed. Sister Elliott and I accept every lesson and tour we can get and every person we talk to has an open heart. I don't know if it's coming back from outbound or what, but I just feel like everyone is so nice! I always feel extremely blessed on Temple Square. I have felt this my whole mission. Why am I so lucky to serve here - it is such a special place. This week I especially have felt so lucky to get to witness people really feeling the spirit for the first time... I have heard it my whole mission but it just meant more to me this week, when people say things like, "everyone here is so nice!", "this is the cleanest city I've ever seen", "This place is so happy". I was also able to hear peoples small testimonies, "I know Jesus is my Savior", "I have a testimony of tithing too!", "that makes sense that God would have a prophet today".........It's just so good to feel of people's goodness and to see people's countenance's change.

Yesterday we had an investigator lesson. His name is Nick and wants to be baptized so we helped him set a date for April 6 (I don't know how that's going to work with conference). He just didn't feel like he was good enough and didn't think he could be baptized! We shared with him Mosiah 18 and that all he needs is that faith in Christ and a desire to follow him the rest of his life. Nick is a sweet man and I was grateful that Heavenly Father let me feel his love during the lesson.

Things are pretty crazy with the concert coming up on the 15th. We use our dinner, lunch, and texting time to practice. I am grateful I get to sing Amazing Grace with sister Osorio. It sounds good. The other numbers I am in I am not a fan of.... choreographing...blah.. 

This last week we met with our zone to explain that the Key indicators that we use for the mission were going to be changing. We focused on our purpose and tried to help them to have faith that this will be a good change. I know that this mission is in the Lord 's hands and that line upon line it is changing and shifting to be what the Lord wants it to be. We have meetings all the time with the missionary department as to what we need to do to be more effective. Its good.

One other thing that makes things crazy is Sister Elliott and I cover for our zone in the venues when things come up. So, that means we are in west gate and guest services a lot. it's all good though.

Sister Elliott reminds me a lot of a combination of Jessica and Sarah. She's got a cackle like ridiculous. After planning at night we always end up lying there like lazy bums until like 10:15 and then we scramble to get everything prepared for the next day in 15 minutes. We just can help but talk all the time and laugh. Life is Good. Oh to answer your questions about Sister Elliott, the reason she wears the French flag is because she has French citizenship and she speaks French. Her mom is Tahitian (French Polynesia)  and dad is American. Her Dads in the Military so she's grown up all around the world. Her family currently resides in Germany.

Oh one more announcement. President Gillette read us a letter from the First Presidency telling us that missionaries are now allowed to communicate with family and FRIENDS over email.
We now have another hour for email time. So feel free to give my email out to people so they can write me. I doubt I will ever use that extra hour of email time...haha...
Hurrah For Israel!
Sister Reynders
PS...Guess what we are doing for p-day today?! Disney on Ice! Woot Woot!

Janet's email address  <>

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Officially the worst missionary letter ever!

Hello! This week was a great! We had a few miracles this week. We have two  new investigators, Mel and Heather. We thought we had Larry, but come to find out he's just another creeper. It's hard to discern those when you can't see them in person.

There are changes happening on T2 with new "key indicators" and it has caused a lot of drama. We have concerns...and boy do we voice them. Good thing our voice matters and good thing I'm companions with Sister Elliott because we are on the same page.  I love the Sisters. We are working hard. The square is full! Lots of people unlike this time last year.

Well....this is officially the worst missionary letter ever! Mom thanks for loving me! I got 3 letters this, Kate, and Anne! Thanks:) Trust in God...because he Trust You!

Sister Reynders

P.S. Yeah! I got into BYU! Please help me with the acceptance. I need to figure out housing! I am so excited...even though if don't know what I'm studying...I'm just glad I'll have a life after the mission!