Called to Serve
Utah Salt Lake City Temple Square
This Is The Place
January 2012 to June 2013

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Photos From the Front

Missionary Chat
With my companion working the phones
Trip to Ogden to speak and sing
With my companion on Temple Square

The Fruits of Your Labor

February 27, 2012

Man, today has been crazy so this is going to be a lame letter. Sister S., one of my best friends here, is flying out right now so I have spent a lot of my P-day with her. She's been at Temple Square waiting to get her medical release to go to Thailand. Well, it came on Wednesday and she flew out today so it's crazy.

I got to speak in Ogden yesterday and it was so fun to get out of Temple Square! We were able to visit a lot with the ward.  Sister K., Sister R., Sister T. and I all spoke, and we are all roomies. There is a picture of us four that I sent. It was so Great! Elder Skanky (executive secretary) spoke with us because it was his parent's ward. So fun! We also sang Joseph Smith's First Prayer and did a cool thing where we all sang in different languages. It was cool.

So you know how I had the Sylvester story the other week? I had another one of those. This kid was like, "My name is Steel, like steel metal"....and I was like, "Still? Like a Still Meadow? Oh, how picturesque!?"  He was like...uh no...hahahah we laughed a lot!  Teenagers are my forte here! I love the teenagers!! I get along best with them!

After spending hours on the Square I sometimes feel like I am affected more than the visitors. I come home thinking, "Man there are sooooo many good people in the world!" OK, So I didn't think I would be bothered by the whole "never seeing the fruits of your labor" thing....but I am not going to lie..  it is kind of tough.  I am not kidding, when I say I put my heart and soul into a person and then I say goodbye, never knowing if it was enough for them to actually make a change in their life. I can't wait till I get to see in the next life if I did any good.  But life is good, and honestly if this is what the Lord wants me to be doing then it is good enough for me! We all have different roles in the great missionary harvest.....mine just happens to be A LOT of seed planting. A LOT. A LOT.

So Juan is the my sunshine right now! He is such a good soul and wants to be so good! He called in about three weeks ago wondering how he could be like "the missionaries"! Well we have since got him set up with some Spanish missionaries in his area and he is just moving along so great! He has gone to church twice now and I am hoping by next week I can report a baptism date to you all! It was so cute on Saturday night when I called him. He was at the thrift store looking for a tie to wear to church the next day! When I texted him on Sunday he was like, "I found one for 2 dollars with diamonds on it!"  I love him! He is so great! We can send one text a day to our investigators. We use cell phones all the time here. That's how we communicate if we are somewhere and we need a "language" tour real fast. We just send out a mass text:)

So, I just don't know what to tell ya'll. Life is good! I am getting pumped for conference!! I hope you all ARE TOO!!!!! I have listened to the whole general Conference of 2008.  I need more. It's what I listen to on any meal break I have or when I am getting ready in the morn.
So I love Nauvoo! Still.....yup...and I have heard that the order of hardest working missions go like this (as far as being busy and being on your feet.) 1. Nauvoo YPM  2. Temple Square 3. A proselyting mission.... and I get to do all three:) (I am sure there are plenty of you wouldn't agree, but that is just what I heard.)

Oh, so I sent some pictures. I have no idea of the order, but one of them is my planner so you can see how I schedule my day.  One of them is my Motors booth.

Keep the Letters up Friends!!! A friend in need is a friend in Deed!---(I have never been sure what that phrase means...but ...anyways...)  Mom, tell Sterling Hansen to write me and Neil Boyer if he is home.

S. Reynders

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Just The Facts M'am, Just The Facts!

February 20, 2012

Dear Family and Friends,

So I am going to try super hard to finally answer all the billion questions I have received from everybody so here we go:

Q: How do you guys meet your baptismal goals when you never see people again after you talk to them?  How do you guys baptize anyone? 
A: We spend many, many hours on the phone! So we receive referrals from members on the Square and from people that come that just want to learn more. And we receive inbound calls from, pass along cards ext... So with all these contacts we call! We push real hard to get the missionaries into their home. We begin the teaching over the phone even before we connect them to the missionaries. We follow through with them all the way up to their baptism. Of course, when they are transferred to the missionaries they take the reigns, but we continue to contact!

Q.Where do you go each day and do you rotate or what? 
A. I am currently assigned to North 2 for this transfer, which means I contact on the Square and do my calling in the North Visitors Center. There are call rooms in the Beehive House, North Visitor Center, and South Visitor Center. I always plan to contact just on the Square, but if we feel inspired to take the tour to the Relief Society building, 26th floor, Conference Center, Church History building, or the Joseph Smith Memorial building we can do that. My schedule is set up so I have "Square time"and "Motors time". When I am on the Square, I take my own tours. There is no assigned rotation of the tour. When I am on Motors that is when I am on the computers either calling or doing chat (aka - all those that click "chat with us" on

Q. Have you served in every spot?  
A. Nope I am assigned to the Square, not Beehive House or Welfare Square.

Q. Do you have stuff memorized for each spot? 
A. Yes, there are facts about everything that I have memorized...Do I share it all?...No...I teach the lessons from Preach My Gospel, intertwined around the history and buildings.  TEACH PEOPLE,  NOT LESSONS.

Q.Have you seen any General Authorities? 
A. No

Q.Where do you grocery shop? 
A. Walmart (I could pass off to be a driver, but I hate driving so I am not going to). We have cars here. We sign up with another driver.

Q. Have you seen many more people that you know? 
A. Not a ton, S. Murdock, now Jarvis, from Nauvoo, and a few other acquaintances from BYUI

Q. Do you spend your whole day with your companion? 
A. Yes.

Q.Exchange with other sisters?
A. Only if she is in a training meeting.

Q. Where do you eat?  Do you go home?  
A. There is a spot downstairs in the south visitors center that has fridges and lockers. I don't use it much. I personally like to go home. I eat my own food.

Q.You said you have to walk home with other sisters for safety.  Do you live with other sisters?  Are they all in the same apartment complex?
A I live with another companionship, Sister R from Colombia, and Sister T from Samoa. There are three different places sisters can live. Most live in the complex I live in. It is the biggest.

Q.Do you stay with your companion for six weeks? Do you have transfers?
A. I will probably stay with my companion for two transfers. When training there is a 12-week program (two transfers) we follow for studying.

Q.How long has your companion been out?  Is she a long time member? Convert?
A. She has been out over a year. She has been a member her whole life. Her parent are converts. She Is GREAT!!! She speaks perfect English so its so easy to understand!! She is So CHILL!! Thats what I love most about her! I don't have to be all tender with her feelings! She is legit!

Q. Do you just get up in the morning and then spend all day on Temple Square?
A. Yup, basically.

Q.What is your mission president like?  I think he is new too.  Do you see him all day long?
A. The President and his wife are the sweetest people ever!!!! I worry about them because they are kind of old...It makes me sad to think they have to work all day. They are old, but I love them!

PHEWY!!! That was a lot of questions! I hope that helped you all understand the Temple Square mission a little bit better! Aww man...this email wasn't as fun to write though..haha... oh was good for you guys to know:)

OK, but I do want to say a few things:

1. SINCE WHEN CAN YOU MICROWAVE SCRAMBLED EGGS!!! This is soo great! and I never knew!!

2. I know I have met some of these people in the pre-existance! I know it! hahaha This last week I just had this overwhelming amount of love for this like 60 year old married man! haha Sounds gross right? But seriously, I just cared for him so much! I know he will become a  member of this church some day!

3. Something we can do here is "Elder tours".  Elders from the surrounding areas bring investigators they are working with and we work with the Elder to teach as we give their investigator a tour. I had two of these this last week. We get assigned to them like the day before and get a paper with background info on them and what the Elders want us to commit them to by the end of the tour.

4. Went to the Salt Lake Temple for the first time this morning!! I love it Live!! And once imagination went crazy in there because its all old in there!

OK I feel exhausted talking about the logistics of the mission..haha...kinda boring.....

I have received one package from you mother! It was sooooo great! thanks!!!!!!!!! I appreciate the mints:)! I sure love you....and I think I sound like a momma's girl to all the sisters out here...but I miss you mother!

Man, the gospel is great!  I am sorry this wasn't a very inspirational letter, but I do want you all to know that I love this work! And I thank my Heavenly Father everyday for letting me be out here! I also want to say that I know fasting and prayer works! After fasting and praying and attending the temple, I called Juan, one of our investigators, and he WENT TO CHURCH ON SUNDAY! Yeah! I know its not much but slowly we will get him in the waters! We have five others meeting with the missionaries. Line upon line.....we will get there!

Next Sunday I am assigned to speak and sing in a ward in Ogden. It's the 1st counselor's dad's ward. I feel lucky that I get to go! My comp and I are speaking:) so that will be fun!

OK, this email is huge! Sorry!



Sister Reynders

Monday, February 13, 2012

Week 2 on Temple Square

February 13, 2012

Hello My Dear Family! (and fellow blog readers)

Well I can't believe another week has gone by! It is going by so quickly! Things are going well here at T^2 haha.

Ok Mother, I have told you over and over again that I have ADHD and you refuse to believe I have a legit problem. I am telling you I need help. I seriously am praying in my head when talking to some guests to be able to concentrate on their words. I try to focus on the words they are saying, but I CANT! I get distracted with other things...  LIKE THE PORES ON THEIR FACE! Or how their mouth moves! I seriously am trying to comprehend their words, but I can't! I feel Like Cusco on Emperor's New Groove when he's Talking to Esma...."What long has that been there??..."  It's  so frustrating! I can't retain anything they say...and luckily I have communication skills and I can fake it pretty laughing or asking a question...but I seriously have a hard time focusing on what people are saying to me, even my companion.

 This place is so great because there are so many old things! As if the Joseph Smith Memorial Building wasn't enough for my imagination, the Beehive House (Brigham Young's Home) takes it to the next Level! SO MUCH SCOPE FOR THE IMAGINATION!!!!!!! Awe The Beehive House is SO GREAT! I am modeling my house after joke.....Oh and the JSMB, I think of the cartoon Anastasia when they have that ball in the beginning or in Daniel Doronda when they have those fancy sociables! I want to have balls again, and wear pretty dresses:)

So what I have learned since being here is that Temple Square attracts all the lost souls! Poor unfortunate souls! People who have reached their last straw and don't know what to do, wander over to Temple Square because they know it's some religious sanctuary. I had some awesome experiences this last week with some of these people. I was actually on  tour and this other guy pulled me aside and asked a little bit about the temple and then was like, " Here's the thing. I am at a point in my life where I just want to believe in something. There has got to be something more to this life, but I don't know what to do or what to believe?"  I was like sure.... right this way dear fellow, you have come to the right place. There was another young guy I almost didn't even talk to but then I was like "Hey, how's it going?" and he says "I am just not sure whether to go on a mission or not so I thought I'd come here to pray." I heard his whole life story and I know it was me who was supposed to talk with him, because I could bring the gospel to his understanding, because the way he thought and analyzed the church is the same thoughts I have had. I was able to work through his doubts and relate to him, but I brought it back to our Savior, Jesus Christ. And if we can understand him, and his life, and what he's done, then we know better what we are supposed to do next in our life as we align our thoughts with his will. So I challenged him to study the life of the Savior for the next week at least 15 minutes a day. (It's not much, but its something.) Anyways, its the little experiences like that, of just bringing one person at a time a little closer to Christ.  That's why I am here in Temple Square.

Our mission goal is 2 baptisms per companionship a month! It's rough, but we are trying!

OK Ok..ya..I kinda am a big deal here..hahah JK...but I kinda feel like a secret Agent....I have a card I wear every day that lets me get into all the secret places of Temple Square..All those tunnels people talk about :) and it's cool because we had this whole training thing. Like I have secret code words that I say so that security comes. And certain phrases I can say in a tour that secretly mean other stuff if I need help or attention. And we have all these rules about what we are aloud to say to visitors as far as where I live, or how long I have been out, or, where I am from. Their are certain places the sisters can't walk because there are no security cameras so its not safe for us...hahaa...and we have to walk with other companionships at night on our way home.

Mom, so everyone is wearing oxfords, and those combat boots would work here too:) A lot of my clothing could work here. Feel free to send me those if you want:) Don't worry about the pictures to Sister K or Sister B. I wish I had more straight skirts. If you feel like getting me some feel free;) also mints are always nice..keep me satiated...CDs with talks on them are nice too..haha..if you have time:)

LAST NIGHT WAS HILARIOUS! So Sister K. and I walked up to these three Polynesian dudes chilling on the couch. And just started talking to them, and we asked what their names were "Derek, Mark, Dan"....and so then I come in to repeat them to make sure I memorized them, and in all seriousness I say " Sylvester, Mark, .."  the rest was history! THEY ALL BUSTED UP LAUGHING! I WAS CRYING CUZ I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD! These huge guys were like " GIRL ARE YOU SERIOUS!? SYLVESTER!!!! WHERE DID YOU EVEN PULL THAT NAME OUT OF! BWHAHAHA...WHO EVEN HAS THAT NAME!" hahaha and then its gets worse I'm like, "Oh sorry I meant " DARYL, Mark, Dan"..BWHAHA THEY LAUGHED AGAIN! I thought I had it right the second time for sure! They were like "GIRL ITS DEREK!" bwhaha anyways, we all laughed real hard, and it was great:)

OK Everyone who reads this...Do you have a Mormon. org profile yet??? Well you?? If not, get off this right now and go make it. As David O. McKay said, "EVERY MEMBER A MISSIONARY." So go do it! Shoot, all you have to do it make it and all it does is sit there, and help others come unto Christ! Please make one. Dad...Come on!..Just do it!..You to mom....and Scott, you can't have a profile is the closest thing you are gonna get.

Alrighty welp, shoot, I don't have anything else to say. ...

Oh Dear elder, I think is still a good Idea, because I think it's cheaper for ya'll..
Letters would be much appreciated! :)
Dad I haven't gotten my camera yet:)


Hurrah For Israel!

Sister Reynders

Thursday, February 9, 2012

My Testimony

This was at the end of Sister Reynders last letter dated February 6, 2012, but I decided to make it a separate post.  It's her testimony.

I know that God has his hands in every single one of our lives 24/7.  I know that he knows Sister Reynders better than I know her. I have faith in Heavenly Father's plan for me. I have faith that HIS way is the best way. I know the Messiah came to redeem all those who will repent and believe in his name. I know this because I have personally felt what it is like to have sins and burdens lifted from my shoulders as I have faith that Jesus Christ can and will do that for ME. I know that God loves us so much that he restored the gospel of Jesus Christ through a young boy. I know that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and the Son! I know that it was through his faith that it was restored. How grateful I am that Joseph lived a life of faith, and paved the way for this dispensation.  Thomas S. Monson is the prophet today! HE IS!  How blessed we are to have President Monson! Let us listen to his Words! GOD STILL SPEAKS TO US! Never for a second take this for granted! Once again, Jesus is my and your Savior! Take upon his name! Do all that you can to draw closer to him! Follow his example! Proclaim what you know!! DO IT! Get over any obstacle that will separate you from helping others draw nearer to our Savior! Do not deprive anyone from this opportunity! "Hurrah, Hurrah For Israel!!" as Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball would say! Let's gather them in! Let's align our will with God's will and see the eternal perspective! MAY WE ALL JOIN IN THE WORK!!?? May we all take UPON THE SAVIOR'S NAME! This is my prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Sister Reynders

First Letter From The Field

Sister Reynders (right) with her German companion
February 6, 2012
WOAH WOAH WOAH!!! Its been too long since I wrote last!!!!!!! and I am sorry but there is just TOOOOO much to write!!! You realize last time I wrote I was in the MTC and now I have been in the field for 6 days!!!!!!!! SO MUCH HAS HAPPENED!! Which equals bullet points today.
  • Sunday in the MTC I sang in RS in Sacrament meeting and the President called  me at random to speak on Faith in Jesus Christ. Busy Sunday.
  • Um I don't know why, but there was this rumor going around the MTC that the First Presidency was coming to speak at the Tuesday Devotional, so I made sure I went to choir practice on Sunday so I could be in the choir on Tuesday to make sure I was in the auditorium. Well, Tuesday came and we left class at 4 pm and the Devotional starts at 7 pm. But I HAD TO SEE THE PROPHET!!!!!! I was crazy!!! NOTHING WAS GETTING IN MY WAY!!!!!!!! when I got there, there was already a HUGE line!!  Did I push and shove???.........You betcha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I got in there was no more room in the choir!!! I told them I already knew the part! They said I had to leave! I WAS SO DISTRAUGHT!! You can't imagine the pain! I HAD TO SEE THE PROPHET! haha...I'm not kidding. I went to the corner and had tears streaming down my face because of this....that's how big of an ordeal this was for me...Welp, I ended up just getting a seat in the auditorium which I was soooo happy about!!!! Suddenly every one stood, ...HERE IT WAS I WAS GONNA SEE THE PROPHET!!! comes...Elder Holland and Russell M. Nelson!!!!!! PROPHET or presidency, But these Fine men came in a close Second and I was so grateful to be there......Be this as it may.....since being here at Temple Square I got to watch the "Testaments", at the end Jesus comes right, so....this really made me reflect upon my experience at the MTC "trying to see the prophet"........HOW DISTRAUGHT I WILL BE IF I DON'T SEE THE SAVIOR!!! But I know I will eventually!! Anyways...I was kinda ridiculous..but the emotions were real....and that's what's kinda fun to look back on...haha I WAS SOOOO DESPERATE!
  • OK so on Wednesday I got here! my companion is Sister K, from Germany. (woot woot to Panos). SHE IS SOOO GREAT!!!!!!! and not a mushy GIRL!! that's what I love about her!
  • We are currently teaching a man from Rwanda, Africa! He is so great!!! He wants to be baptized, but there are NO missionaries where he lives!!! SO SAD!!!. We are working on it!
  • I don't let people go by without making sure they have heard of the referral program...yes I am the annoying sister everyone avoids at Temple Square.
  • Since being here I have seen I have seen so many people in the last week.  It's crazy how you just run into people!

I love the work! I am in the call center a lot and I spend a lot of time on the Square! I am the luckiest girl alive.

Sister Reynders

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Moving On!

This photo is at the Missionary Training Center,
but today is the day Sister Reynders
is moving on to Temple Square.
New Mailing Address:

Sister Janet Reynders
Utah Salt Lake Temple Square
50. N. West Temple St. Rm BSVC
Salt lake City, UT 84150- 1891